Most people think that menstrual cups are a new invention. It’s a myth! They actually aren’t. They were first manufactured in 1937 by Leona Chalmers, but there wasn’t a market for this product and it didn’t gain much popularity. Today, menstrual cups are on everyone’s lips.
Menstrual cups have passionate enthusiasts that swear by them, but there are many others who have only heard about them in passing and have a lot of misconceptions. The latter group doesn’t intentionally spread false information, but myths about menstrual cups are widely circulated. In this article, we will debunk the 6 most common menstrual cup myths. It’s important to correct the record whenever possible, and you can do it during your next meet up with friends.
People have many doubts before buying their first cup. What size to choose? Will it hurt?Will I be able to place it correctly? How will I know if it's positioned correctly? Is the material safe for my vaginal health? How to clean it? How often? The questions are justified.
It’s true that you might need a few tries to get accustomed to using menstrual cups, but it’s easier than it seems. You’ll get the hang of it after 2 days. You can find detailed guides online on how to choose the correct size and how to clean it. It’s no more hassle than tampons or pads. Starting using a new product may be tricky at first, but it is not without a silver lining in this case: you will learn about your pelvic floor muscles and your menstrual flow. You will better understand your body.
Some people claim menstrual cups are not suitable for anyone who didn’t experience a penetrative sex. They tend to believe virginity equals an intact hymen. Sadly, this view is still prevalent in many cultures, western and eastern. However, it’s an unfair misconception because hymens are different from one person to another. Some are strong and thick, some are feeble and get stretched or broken during sports activities like gymnastics. Surely, no one’s virginity is lost by using period protection, even when the cup may stretch the hymen, depending on their anatomy. It should not matter.
The second concern is that the size of a cup is too big for vaginas which didn’t court a penis. those who did not court a penis inside. Well, no vagina needs any excessive preparations or stretching before having sex, and the same is true for a menstrual cup.Vaginal canals are naturally flexible and there’s no worry that they will fit a 60-70cm long menstrual cup.
This myth reflects the culture in which menstrual blood is subconsciously associated with something unholy and dirty. Some people are reluctant to use a menstrual cup because they’d rather not look at their own menstrual blood. It’s easier to throw it out quickly when you use a tampon or a pad. However, noticing once flow can be beneficial. You’ll learn about when it is the strongest. You’ll learn how it relates to pain. You’ll start noticing irregularities when they happen. Besides, cleaning can be done very easily. You just need to rinse it with water and dry it with toilet paper. If you have to clean it inside a cubicle in a public bathroom, consider menstrual cup cleansers like Emanui, which make it easy, fast, discreet, and eco-friendly.
In the vast majority of cases, it’s not necessary to reinsert the menstrual cup after using the bathroom. The seal between the cup and vaginal walls is strong and will hold even with bowel movements. Bowel movements do exert pressure on the muscle tissue surrounding the vagina, so some people observe a small leak. There’s no need to worry!Typically, it’s only a few drops, and you don’t need to worry that the period cup is displaced.
The anatomy of our bodies differ and some people need to find how to position themselves better when using the bathroom. You may find it easier to pee while leaning forward. Most people don’t have any problems with using the cup and urinating, but if you do, you can consult a urogynecological therapist to find the right position and learn more about your unique anatomy.
Menstrual cups are designed with all those things in mind.
That doesn’t have to be true. If you’re looking for eco-friendly solutions, you need to look carefully at the material the period cups are made of and pay attention to the packaging, which still may be plastic-coated cardboard or a cup wrapped in a protective plastic foil.Most cups are made from medical grade silicone, which is one of the safest materials.However, some are made from TPE (thermoplastic elastomer), which is, well, plastic.
I hope we've successfully dealt with common myths regarding wearing a menstrual cup.
It's really hard to find disadvantages of using a cup. They are fit for heavy periods or long periods, active or passive lifestyle, and they're eco-friendly and rarely cause toxic shock syndrome. Unlike tampons, a menstrual cup can be used with a sex toy or during sex and a menstrual fluid won’t cause any mess. We hope that the next time you hear some ridiculous myth about it, like “it’s too big and can get lost inside”, you will be first to reply.